Because of the differences between legal documents between countries/districts, Facebook has provided a list of the specific documents that need to be sent according to each country/district. Please see them below.
Documents that are not accepted are:
Purchase Orders
Self-filled applications for the company
Tax returns filed by you or your company
Website print
Business bank statement
Business license
Certificate of incorporation
Goods and services tax registration certificate(GST)
Permanent Account Number Card (PAN)
Shop establishment certificate
Udyog Aadar (UID)
Utility bill
Business bank statement
Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ)
Certificado da Condição de Microempreendedor Individual (MEI)
Contrato Social
Utility bill
Αντίγραφο κίνησης λογαριασμού / Hesap özeti
Εγγραφή στο μητρώο Φ.Π.Α.
Καταστατικό / Şirket ana sözleşmesi
Μητρώο Επιχειρηματικών Οντοτήτων
Συστατική Πράξη Εταιρείας / Şirket Kuruluş Onay Belgesi
Avis de situation au repertoire Sirene
Extrai d'immatriculation D1
Extrait K, L, Kbis ou Lbis
Facture d'électricité, de gaz ou d'eau
Lettre de confirmation de numéro SIREN délivrée par l'Urssaf
Statuts de l'enterprise
VAT registration
Business bank statement
Izin Usaha Mikro Kecil (IUMK)
Nomar Induk Berusaha (NIB))
Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)
Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak (SPPKP
Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP
Utility bill
An Oifig um Chlárú Cuideachtaí
Business bank statement
Business tax certificate
Certificate of business incorporation
Certificate of registration
Utility bill
Atto Costitutivo
Certificato di Registrazione Aziendale
Registro Imprese dell'archivio ufficiale della CCIAA
Business bank statement
Certificate of formation
Utility bill
Value Added Tax Certificate (VAT)
個人事業の開業, 廃業等の届出書
Business bank statement
Utility bill
요금납부 내역서
지방세 납세 증명서
지방세 납세 증명서
Certificate of formation
رخصة تجارية
رخصة تجارية
شهادة تسجيل لضريبة القيمة المضافة
فاتورة اتصالات
فاتورة الكهرباء
كشف حساب بنك
Виписка з єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб , фізичних осіб-підприємців та громадьских формувань
Виписка з єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб та фізичних осіб-підприємців
Витяг з реєстру платників єдиного податку
Свідоцтво платника єдиного податку
Business bank statement
Certificate of Incorporation
Certificate of public liability insurance
Companies House document
Company registration number (CRN)
HM Revenue and Customs: VAT certificate
HM Revenue and Customs: Account statement
Utility bill
Articles of incorporation
Business bank statement
Business license
Employer identification number (EIN)
IRS SS-4 (Ein Assignment Letter)
IRS 147c (EIN Confirmation Letter)
Taxpayer identification number
Utility bill like a phone or electricity bill
Bank statement
Business licenses and permits from any level of government
Certificate of formation or incorporation
Business Tax or VAT registration certificate
EIN confirmation letter from the IRS (U.S. only)
Federal tax returns to the IRS by company (U.S. only)
Business bank account statements
Business credit report from one of the reporting agencies