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Add Facebook Chat widget to the website
In this document, you will learn how to add a live chat widget to your website. Currently, we support to add a Facebook Messenger chat widget to your website or landing pages. Create a Customer Chat widget You can go to your Facebook Messenger ...
The whole process will be: create community, get group id, and access token enable community messages and bot abilities Get Group ID and Access Token You need to have a VK personal account first, go to (opens a new window), register, ...
You can use buttons with each types: call, url, node. { "version": "v1", "content": { "messages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "simple text", "buttons": [ { "type": "url", "caption": "External link", "url": "", }, { ...Another ...
Webchat Channel
With the webchat widget, you will be able to add a chatbot to any website without the dependency of any other channel. This will help you unlock the power of conversational marketing without the downsides or restrictions other channels might have. ...
Actions format
Action add tag Use this response to add a tag to a subscriber. Tag with the same name must exist in your bot: { "version": "v1", "content": { "messages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "simple text with button", "buttons": [ { "type": "url", "caption": ...