How to format date time?

How to format date time?

There are date time custom field in OCP, sometime, you want to format them properly.

Here is a few formats you can refer.

The following characters can be used: d - The day of the month (from 01 to 31) D - A textual representation of a day (three letters) j - The day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31) l (lowercase 'L') - A full textual representation of a day N - The ISO-8601 numeric representation of a day (1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday) S - The English ordinal suffix for the day of the month (2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j) w - A numeric representation of the day (0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday) z - The day of the year (from 0 through 365) W - The ISO-8601 week number of year (weeks starting on Monday) F - A full textual representation of a month (January through December) m - A numeric representation of a month (from 01 to 12) M - A short textual representation of a month (three letters) n - A numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 to 12) t - The number of days in the given month L - Whether it's a leap year (1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise) o - The ISO-8601 year number Y - A four digit representation of a year y - A two digit representation of a year a - Lowercase am or pm A - Uppercase AM or PM B - Swatch Internet time (000 to 999) g - 12-hour format of an hour (1 to 12) G - 24-hour format of an hour (0 to 23) h - 12-hour format of an hour (01 to 12) H - 24-hour format of an hour (00 to 23) i - Minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59) s - Seconds, with leading zeros (00 to 59) u - Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2) e - The timezone identifier (Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores) I (capital i) - Whether the date is in daylights savings time (1 if Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise) O - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours (Example: +0100) P - Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours:minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3) T - Timezone abbreviations (Examples: EST, MDT) Z - Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is negative (-43200 to 50400) c - The ISO-8601 date (e.g. 2013-05-05T16:34:42+00:00) r - The RFC 2822 formatted date (e.g. Fri, 12 Apr 2013 12:01:05 +0200)
U - The seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)

Also, you can reference from the link below:

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